Roney Writes

Christine Roney, Author

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2018 And Beyond

The BookLoverWorm blog is hosting a month of guest posts from authors about their plans and hopes for 2018. I’m delighted to have been included in this fun feature. Check out BookLoverWorm’s blog and my post here.


Fading Grace – Cover Reveal

I’m excited to announce that the Kindle edition of my new novella Fading Grace is available for pre-order at Amazon!

Get Fading Grace during the pre-order for 99¢. It will go up to its regular price of $2.99 after its release date of November 30, 2017.

Grace Tyler led a comfortable, unremarkable life. In her twenties, she had been an up-and-coming artist with shows in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, London, and Prague. But those years were long past.

A year ago, her husband suffered a fatal heart attack and she’s having difficulty adjusting to her new life. She begins to feel invisible. But she’s coping.

Or is she? One morning, Grace looks in the mirror and watches in horror as her reflection fades. She doesn’t just feel invisible anymore, she is invisible.

Why did this happen? How can she be seen again? As Grace searches for answers to these questions, what she discovers will impact the way we see ourselves and others.

[Cover design by The Cover Collection]

Happy Anniversary, Beyond Stone!

Beyond Stone debuted one year ago today! And what a year it’s been. Beyond Stone went to the Oscars, it went to the Golden Globes, and it rode the New York subway.

I want to thank everyone who bought Beyond Stone, or borrowed a copy from the library or a friend, and took the time to read it. I also want to thank everyone who posted a review.

It’s been a great year! I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

My Author Interview on Book Talk Radio Club

I was interviewed via Skype from England by Claire Perkins for Book Talk Radio Club.

Click here to listen to my interview on You Tube.

I enjoyed Claire’s interview style and was impressed with how skillfully she drew out information about me as an author and sculptor and tied that information to questions about my novel, Beyond Stone.

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