Season Three of my serialized legal thriller, Rayning Justice, is available to read on Kindle Vella right now. This season, Stevie once again finds herself walking the halls of justice when she is reluctantly pulled into a murder case.
All she had to do was pick up a dog. Simple, right?…It starts with a phone call. Stevie’s friend, Billie, has been tasked to execute a court order in Minnesota to retrieve a dog named Blu from Owen, his non-custodial owner. She was hoping to meet up with Stevie, who is traveling in Canada, for some girl-time before heading back to California. Excited to see her friend, Stevie picks Billie up at the airport and together they go to pick up Blu. But Blu isn’t there. And Owen isn’t talking.
A missing dog. A murder. A mystery to be solved. Don’t miss this season of Rayning Justice!
Click the photo below to read the first three episodes for free.